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bertindak berlebihan bahasa Inggris

contoh kalimat "bertindak berlebihan"
  • I mean, I-I-I wanted attention, or I was acting out
    Aku ingin perhatian, atau aku bertindak berlebihan
  • We have overreacted in this matter.
    Kami telah bertindak berlebihan dalam hal ini.
  • Obviously you have a tendency to overreact!
    Jelas sekali kamu suka bertindak berlebihan!
  • You are not more than that.
    Kau jangan bertindak berlebihan.
  • Wasn't he acting tough?
    Bukankah dia bertindak berlebihan?
  • Why are you overreacting?
    Kenapa kau bertindak berlebihan?
  • But if he sends in the whole cavalry, Duane Barry might go over the edge.
    Tapi bila dia mengirimkan seluruh kavaleri, Duane Barry mungkin bertindak berlebihan.
  • My time on Earth has helped me to realize that Father has a tendency to overreact.
    Waktuku di Bumi membuatku sadar... bahwa Ayah sering bertindak berlebihan.
  • Thought I'd let you know that the new inspector is acting too big for his boots
    Aku berpikir untuk memberitahu anda kalau inspektur yang baru bertindak berlebihan
  • I was completely immature and acting out... and just really, like, free with my body... and that's just not who I am anymore.
    Itu benar-benar matang, bertindak berlebihan... Dan benar-benar membebaskan tubuhku... dan aku tak seperti itu lagi.
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